性别 :女
籍贯 :安徽马鞍山
出生日期 :1996.10
研究领域 :数字经济;资源与环境经济学;可持续发展;旅游经济;
邮箱地址 :luckyxq@njau.edu.cn
博士毕业于中南大学商学院,获经济学博士学位,以一作或通讯作者在《Energy Economics》、《Technological Forecasting & Social change》、《Journal of Environmental Management》、《Science of The Total Environment》、《Cities》、《统计研究》、《生态学报》、《经济地理》等SSCI、SCI和CSSCI期刊上发表论文20余篇。被大人复印报刊资料《旅游管理》全文转载1篇,ESI高被引论文4篇。主持湖南省研究生创新项目一项。硕博期间获得博士研究生国家奖学金、省优秀毕业生、校长创新奖学金、优秀研究生等荣誉 担任《Energy Economics》、《Journal of Environmental Management》、 《Science of The Total Environment》、《Technological Forecasting & Social Change》、《Environment, Development and Sustainability》、《Journal of Destination Marketing and Management》、《Growth and Change》等期刊匿名审稿人。
[1] 湖南省研究生创新项目. “共同富裕背景下数字经济赋能乡村振兴的机制与路径研究”(CX20230136)主持。
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目. “数据要素化与数字技术对绿色低碳发展的影响:理论机制、作用路径与政策优化”(72373165)参与。
[3] 国家社科基金后期资助项目. “数字经济驱动经济高质量发展与绿色低碳转型的理论与实证研究”(23FJYB011)参与。
[1] Xu Qiong, Zhong Meirui*, Dong Yu*. Digital finance and rural revitalization: Empirical test and mechanism discussion. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 2024,201,123248.(ABS三星).
[2] Xu, Qiong, Zhong Meirui*, Dong Yu*. Digital economy and risk response: How the digital economy affects urban resilience. Cities, 2024,155, 105397. (ABS二星).
[3] Zhu Xuehong*, Dong Yu*, Xu Qiong*. Factor-driven or innovation-driven? The role of digital technology in the cleanliness of industrial structure. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024,452, 142136. (ABS二星).
[4] Xu Qiong, Zhong Meirui*. The impact of income inequity on energy consumption: The moderating role of digitalization. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023,325, 116464. (ABS三星; ESI高被引论文).
[5] Xu Qiong, Li Xin*, Guo Fei. Digital transformation and environmental performance: Evidence from Chinese resource—based enterprises. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 2023,30(4),1816-1840. (高被引论文).
[6] Xu Qiong, Li Xin*, Dong Yu, Guo Fei. Digitization and green innovation: How does digitization affect enterprises' green technology innovation? Journal of Envionmental Planning and Management. 2023,1-30.
[7] Zhong, Meirui, Xia, Jialu, Xu Qiong*. How ICT capital affects the spatial correlation of energy consumption—a new perspective based on spatially correlation network. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2023,30(58),121770-121793.
[8] Li, Xin, Guo Fei*, Xu Qiong, Wang Siwei, Huang Hongyun. Strategic or substantive innovation? The effect of government environmental punishment on enterprise green technology innovation. Sustainable Development. 2023.
[9] Xu Qiong, Zhong Meirui*, Li Xin. How does digitalization affect energy? International evidence. Energy Economics. 2022, 107, 105879. (ABS三星;ESI高被引论文).
[10] Xu Qiong, Zhong Meirui*. Shared prosperity, energy-saving, and emission-reduction: Can ICT capital achieve a “win-win-win” situation?. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022, 319, 115710. (ABS三星).
[11] Xu Qiong, Zhong Meirui*, Cao Mengyuan. Does digital investment affect carbon efficiency? Spatial effect and mechanism discussion. Science of The Total Environment. 2022,827,154321. (ESI高被引论文).
[12] Xu Qiong, Zhong Meirui*, Cheng Hui. Does public policy alleviate the impact of political risks on international tourism?. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events. 2022(4), 1-23.
[13] Li Xin, Xu Qiong*, Wang Hecheng. Environmental effects of the establishment of pilot free trade zones: evidence from Chinese resource-based enterprises. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022,30(8), 21384-21403.
[14] Li Xin, Xu Qiong, Guo Fei, Wang Hecheng. State-owned equity participation and private sector enterprises' strategic risk taking: Evidence from China. Managerial and Decision Economics. 2022,44(2), 1107-1124.( ABS二星).
[15] 徐琼,钟美瑞*,程慧,张淑文. ICT资本对旅游绿色发展效率的影响机理研究. 旅游科学,2024,38(01):75-100.
[16] 徐琼,程慧,钟美瑞.中国旅游业碳排放效率趋同演变及其趋势预测. 生态学报,2023,43(09), 3417-3429.
[17] 徐琼,程慧,钟美瑞.中国旅游效率的俱乐部趋同效应及影响因素. 陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2023,51(02),12-23.
[18] 李鑫, 徐琼*, 王核成. 企业数字化转型与绿色技术创新. 统计研究, 2023, 40(09): 107-119.(CSSCI来源).
[19] 李鑫,郭飞,周丹,徐琼. 国有资本介入与民营企业战略风险承担——基于高管激励与机会主义行为视角.证券市场导报,2022,(10):14-25. ( CSSCI来源).
[20] 程慧,徐琼,郭尧琦.中国旅游生态效率的俱乐部趋同研究. 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,55(02),289-300.
[21] 程慧,徐琼,郭尧琦.中国旅游效率的空间关联网络结构及其解释. 地理与地理信息科学,2020,36(06),104-112.(CSCD来源).被人大复印报刊资料《旅游管理》2021年3期全文转载.
[22] 程慧,徐琼,赵梦亚.中国旅游生态效率的空间关联网络结构及其影响因素研究. 生态科学, 2020,39(05),169-178. (CSCD来源).
[23] 程慧,徐琼,郭尧琦.中国旅游业碳排放脱钩的空间异质性及其驱动因素. 华东经济管理, 2020,34 (03): 86-93.
[24] 程慧,徐琼,郭尧琦. 我国旅游资源开发与生态环境耦合协调发展的时空演变. 经济地理, 2019, 39 (07): 233-240.
[25] 程慧,徐琼,郭尧琦等.国际期铜价格波动中的金融因素分析. 资源科学,2018,40(03):634-644.